BOP Monitoring
Accurate motion sensors play a crucial role in the structural monitoring of Blowout Preventers (BOPs), enabling the measurement of inclination and lateral displacements.
BOP Monitoring
The NORSUB Subsea MRU is well-suited for this purpose, offering the capability to measure both roll and pitch angles, as well as oscillatory lateral displacements.
The NORSUB Subsea MRUs small and robust titanium casing makes it suitable for installation directly on the BOP.
In subsea applications, communication over long cables is often necessary. The Subsea MRU and inclinometers feature 2-wire RS-485 communication with Modbus RTU protocol. This facilitates reliable serial communication over cables of up to 3000 meters, accommodating lower baud rates as needed.

Accurate and robust subsea motion measurements
The NORSUB MRU SUBSEA is an ideal choice for accurate and robust subsea motion measurements. With a depth rating of up to 6000 meters, this compact and small-sized motion sensor offers versatility in installation.
Read more about the MRU Subsea